Character Sketch
My mom. My wonderwoMOM. My life.
I strongly believe that there is no word that could fully describe my 'WonderwoMOM'. She's my everything, my private doctor, my chef, my teacher and many more. She is loving, caring, cute, joker, and most importantly, she's beautiful.
My mother is like a souvenir, she's worth to remember. She loves what I love, and it is impossible to forget her smile. My mother puts everyone before herself and would drop anything to help even a stranger. She is compassionate and truly cares about the needs and hurts of everyone around her.
My mother has faced more obstacles in her life than anyone I have met.
She graduated high school with a lot of challenges. She even paid her own college tuition from her own earnings as a working-student.
My mother and father prayed earnestly and loved my brothers and me in hopes that in every situation or problem would not ruin us. She taught us that our heavenly Father is all we need, which proved to protect us from all the problems in life.
The obstacles in her life seemed impossible at times, but my mother’s faith was strong, and she worked so hard to improve her circumstances.
She does not reflect on her past tragedies and sulk in the pain, but she overcomes and becomes stronger through everything.
She has taught me to hold tight to my faith and to always trust that the pain will lead to endurance and hope.
I know that I can look to my mother for support in any task. She is my biggest fan and always encourages me to be the best that I can be. Her encouragement is the reason I work hard. I love to make her proud.
When I mess up, she picks me back up again. She always has the right words to say and knows when someone needs a word of encouragement or a hug. She is honest and full of integrity. Although she was faced with hard times her entire life, she has grown from every one of them and has become a better person through it all.
My mother is strong-willed and determined never to let herself or our family down. She pushes herself to the limits providing for our family, maintaining relationships with friends and still being the best mother that could be imagined.
I do not know what I would do without her. She is my rock, and I depend on her for so much. I am blessed to have my mother as my best friend. My mother is a special woman, completely genuine and unique.
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