The Gift of Magi
"Money can't buy happiness"
“The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry was first published in a New York Newspaper back in 1905, but the message of this tale is a timeless classic. The plot centers around the Christmas gift exchange of Jim and Della Young.
It is a touching story of a couple wanted who wanted so desperately to get each other a very special gift for Christmas that they each sold the possessions they were most proud of in order to do so.
Imagine the look on both of their faces as they returned home to exchange gifts.
The Gift of the Magi shows a couple who only had two great possessions but because of the love they held for each other they sold their special items to purchase something that they knew their spouse would hold dear. This couple thought of the other before they thought of themselves.
Della makes sacrifices to buy Jim a present for Christmas, but all Jim really wants is a gift from the heart. Both characters learn that money does not buy happiness and that a present from the heart can often times be better than goods for a present. After reading this short story there are many things I have taken away from it. At first the story didn't appeal to me all that much, but after thinking about it I realize how this story translates to our lives in many ways. This story changed the way I thought about the value of money. I was taught how money doesn't buy happiness, and that a family that is living in poverty can be as happy or happier than a family living in wealth. The Gift of the Magi is a short story that talks about a small family that finds happiness living a life of poverty.
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